Cross-platform App

Omni-channel API oriented system with cross-platform application which allows user to monitor all sensor values and analytics in real time. Every station has defined embedded sensors (like temperature and pressure) and also defined number of custom sensors, which user can define during the process of ordering devices.

User can add station using unique device serial number DSN, which is signified on station box. On that way, multiple users can track the same station if know device DSN, and in same time define stations which want to track separately from other users.

Station monitoring includes also GPS tracking using device coordinates and display location(s) using maps with automatic zoom on focused positions. That’s very usable in cases of dynamic stations, especially for often position changes.


Next to real-time monitoring, there are different graph types (line, bar, donut) which analyze different data values and changes (real, average, activity percentage) in different time periods (last hour, day, week, month, year).

This is very important in situations where have values which are not in allowed value range, so can analyze time and maybe get factors that caused situation.

In general, using these graphs, user can analyze, get conclusions or make decisions in future which can improve business or it’s aspects.


During the process of ordering station, for every sensor can be defined upper and lower value limit, which reaching will activate alarm. These limit alarm values can be changed dynamically using application as administrator.

Examples for alarm reactions can be over temperature which impacts on activation of cooling systems. Or mobile beehives, when measured weight reaches some value, it can be relocated.

Also for every alarm activation, beside defining allowed range limits, user can define and the kind of informing: call or sending SMS on defined phone number with proper message.